Market Insights

Seasonality Trends for June 2021

We have updated our Seasonality Chart (presented at the end of this report) and made significant changes, including updating the beginning-and-end dates for the periods of seasonality strength, and adding a further ten industry sectors. We remain cautious towards the market and recommend defensive positions. Given the recent strong upward movements in stock prices, we would welcome over the summer months a lengthy consolidation period or a meaningful, but healthy, pull-back. [more]

May Seasonality Report
Market Insights

Seasonality Stock Trends for May 2021

Despite historical evidence of market weakness and, equally, despite market indexes being at or near all-time highs, it is difficult to fight the tape and embrace the well-recognized, widely-followed adage “Sell in May, and Go Away”. However, investors should be very cautious at this point in the cycle. [more]

Seasonality Trends

Seasonality Trends for November 2020

Resolving the outcome of the U.S. election is likely to take some time, and this will continue to influence stock market performance in the days ahead. The market index and market sectors added to the seasonality mix in November are Russell 2000, Energy, Utilities, Real Estate, Biotechs, and Retail. [more]

Seasonality Report
Seasonality Trends

Seasonality Trends for October 2020

Historically, September has been one of the worst months of the year to invest, but October has been one of the best. After a strong May-August period (what happened to “Sell in May and go away!”), September was a down-month. So, let’s look forward to October, as traditionally, on average, it has gained 1.2%. [more]

Seasonality Image
Analyst Articles

Seasonality Trends for September 2020

You cannot beat the tape but you can maximize your performance through the use of tried-and-true market aids. Seasonality Trends is one such investment tool for improving market performance. The two sectors added to the seasonality mix in September are Consumer Staples and Natural Gas with eight sectors which end their seasonal strength. [more]