RASI: Market Outlook Positive; Trend Neutral
The RASI at the close on Thursday, September 12 is at 612, and continues to rally above the critical 500 level, which denotes the dividing line between Positive and Negative market expectation. [more]
The RASI at the close on Thursday, September 12 is at 612, and continues to rally above the critical 500 level, which denotes the dividing line between Positive and Negative market expectation. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report. RASI closed at 362 on Wednesday, September 4, which is up from 257 last week. However, the index remains below the 500 level that divides Positive from Negative market expectations. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of McClellan Publications. The current RASI reading is 257, which is lower than last week. A reading below the benchmark 500 level is Negative, implicating negative market expectations. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of McClellan Publications. The current RASI reading is 280. A reading below the benchmark 500 level is Negative, implicating negative market expectations. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of data provided by McClellan Publications. The current RASI reading is 368. A reading below the benchmark 500 level is Negative, implicating negative market expectations. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide its RASI Report, an analysis of the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index that is compiled by McClellan Publications. RASI just turned Negative with a Negative Trend, an ominous sign for market expectations. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of information provided by McClellan Publications. The trend is definitely down and, at 578, the Index is within hailing distance of the all-important 500 level. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of McClellan Publications. This week, the RASI Index registered 782, well above the 500 mark that denotes Positive market expectations. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide an article by Keith Richards for ValueTrend. [more]
eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of McClellan Publications. [more]
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