Model Oil Portfolio

Oil Portfolio Just Below Break-Even

The outlook for the energy sector, and particularly for the oil component, was given a boost on Friday as the OPEC+ cartel agreed to cut oil production in Q1/2020. Our Portfolio continues to perform relatively well but is still struggling to gain much traction in positive territory. [more]


Seasonality Trends: For December 2019

As 2019 starts to draw to a close, investors will be assessing their portfolio performance. Results should be good as most major indexes in North America did well. Our December Seasonality Trends Report highlights what indexes/sectors are currently going-in/going-out of expected strength. [more]

Oil & Gas

Striking for the Climate

Greta Thunberg and her fellow climate-change activists vow to do whatever they can at the up-coming United Nations climate-change conference to get world leaders to act quickly and decisively to tackle the world’s growing climate-change problem. [more]

eR Niobium Report
Analyst Articles

Niobium Declared To Be A Strategic Metal

There are only three known mines in the world that are currently mining niobium as the primary ore. Two of these are in Brazil, which produces about 90% of world output, and the third is an underground mine in the Province of Québec. Niobium’s two primary uses are in the steel industry and as a super-alloy. [more]