Economic Insights

Recession Barometer – Dichotomy!

U.S. economic pundits are now forecasting two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, either Q1 and Q2 or Q2 and Q3. Either way, that is the definition of an Economic Recession. [more]


ValueTrend – The Battle Plan

Investors have panicked and the markets have plummeted. This opens up phenomenal opportunities for astute investors to regain lost capital. This ValueTrend article shows ways to achieve this possibility. [more]

Seasonality Trends

Seasonality Trends: For March 2020

Market sell-offs, like the one we have just experienced, often provide exceptional stock-buying opportunities. In these circumstances, it is the prudent investor that takes advantage of the stock market’s traditional seasonality trends. [more]

Calafia Beach Pundit

Interest Rates and the Fed

Scott Grannis, the Calafia Beach Pundit, believes that the market is signalling to the Fed that interest rates should be lowered, and soon. [more]