Analyst Articles

RASI: Index Falls Below Critical 500 Benchmark

Last week, the RASI declined below the important 500 level. This is bearish as it signals that the outlook for the stock market is Negative. Right now, the RASI and the DJIA are diverging, with the RASI declining and the DJIA rising. A divergent trend rarely lasts long. [more]

Analyst Articles

RASI: Index Breaks Below Two Technical Patterns

Last week, the RASI fell out of two triangles that it has been bounded by for months. This is bearish. Since the RASI and the DJIA normally move in sync and since the two indexes have diverged this month, something has to give. [more]

eR Niobium Report
Analyst Articles

Niobium Declared To Be A Strategic Metal

There are only three known mines in the world that are currently mining niobium as the primary ore. Two of these are in Brazil, which produces about 90% of world output, and the third is an underground mine in the Province of Québec. Niobium’s two primary uses are in the steel industry and as a super-alloy. [more]