2019-12-31 RASI - FI
Analyst Articles

RASI: Index Up Almost 100% In Last Three Trading Weeks

The RASI continues its unbroken rise every day and now sports a 16-day continual increase going back to December 5. Then, it was 449.50. Now, it is 883.74. This equates to a gain of 97%. In the same time-frame, the DJIA has also risen, with a gain of 3.1%. The RASI and the DJIA are now back in sync. [more]

Analyst Articles

RASI: Index Rises Every Day For The Last Two Weeks

The current reading of 725 is a Positive indicator for the DJIA. The latest swoon bottomed out on December 5 and the Index has risen every day since then, gaining an impressive 61% in that time-frame. The RASI and the DJIA are now back in sync. [more]