Datable Logo and Image
Analyst Articles

NEW UPDATE REPORT on Datable Technology Corporation (TSXV:DAC | OTCQB: TTMZF)

We have written a 19-page Update Report on Datable, a Canadian-based software development and technology company operating in the consumer online advertising and marketing sectors. Datable’s revenue increased by 90% Y/Y in Q4/2021 and 79% Y/Y for 2021. Revenue in Q1/2022 increased by 28% Y/Y and the Company already has nearly $3.0 million in recognized revenue under contract for 2022. However, Datable’s acquisition of Dabbl was not finalized, so we’ve decreased revenue estimates for 2022 and 2023 that negatively affected our valuation. We are decreasing our one-year price target to $0.14/share from $0.30/share but maintaining our Speculative Buy rating. [more]

Cannabis Stock Update
Analyst Articles

Only the Conservative Cannabis Stocks Index Is Up YTD

So far this year the 18 largest “seed-to-sale” cannabis stocks has declined by 50.2% YTD (as of May 5th) while the stock prices of the 5 tobacco companies and 1 liquor company that have invested heavily in the cannabis industry have increased by 2.0% over the same period – and pay an average of 3.0% in dividend yields. [more]

Analyst Articles

April Update: Largest American Marijuana Stocks Plunged 27.5%

U.S. federal legalization regarding the sale and financial administration of cannabis companies still faces hurdles but state-level momentum is projected to continue this year. Below is the performance in April and YTD of the 13 largest American Multi-State Operators (MSOs) as tracked by the munKNEE Pure-play American MSO Pot Stock Index. [more]