Winter Season photo
Seasonality Trends

Seasonality Trends: For February 2020

Being aware of the stock market’s traditional seasonality trends is a prudent way to compose one’s investment portfolio, and a key to profitable portfolio performance can be gained by assessing the market’s seasonality trends. This report highlights what indexes and sectors are currently going-in and going-out of expected market strength. [more]

Model Oil Portfolio

Oil Portfolio Had a Tough Week

With a lessening of tensions in the Middle East, the Energy Sector retrenched last week. Although the price of crude oil rebounded in the latter part of the week, it was still down 0.9% and dragged many oil stocks down with it. [more]

Model Oil Portfolio

Oil Portfolio Ping-Pongs

It was somewhat of a wild ride last week as, at first, oil stocks surged with increasing global political tensions, but then they retrenched as these tensions dissipated. [more]

Dividend Portfolio

Dividend-Income Portfolio Performs Strongly

Our Dividend-Income Portfolio continues to perform well. Since our last report at year-end, the Portfolio rose 2.6% compared to the gain of 1.3% for the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Since inception at the beginning of December, the Portfolio is ahead by 6.1% while the Composite Index is up only 1.4%. [more]

2019-12-31 RASI - FI
Analyst Articles

RASI: Index Up Almost 100% In Last Three Trading Weeks

The RASI continues its unbroken rise every day and now sports a 16-day continual increase going back to December 5. Then, it was 449.50. Now, it is 883.74. This equates to a gain of 97%. In the same time-frame, the DJIA has also risen, with a gain of 3.1%. The RASI and the DJIA are now back in sync. [more]