Analyst Articles

VIDEO: Roll-Up Strategies in the Canadian ICT Industry

In this short video, Chris Thompson of eResearch explores the Canadian ICT sector’s M&A dynamics, focusing on the strategic use of roll-up strategies by leading companies. The report provides an in-depth analysis of companies like Constellation Software and Ciscom Corp., showcasing how they leverage acquisitions to fuel growth and expand their market presence. Learn about the factors driving M&A activity in Canada and why ICT companies are prime targets for consolidation. Download our detailed 22-page report for an insider’s look at the Canadian ICT M&A industry. [more]

Canadian M&A Companies - FI
Analyst Articles

NEW INDUSTRY REPORT – Roll-Up Strategies in the Canadian ICT Industry

We have written a 22-page Industry Report on “Roll-Up Strategies in the Canadian ICT Industry; Your Guide to Understanding and Investing in M&A-Focused Public Companies”. In this report, we provide a brief overview of the ICT industry and 11 companies in Canada that are executing an M&A roll-up strategy as part of their core business strategy. The report also highlights Ciscom Corp. (CSE: CISC), Canadian-based holding company that executes a M&A roll-up strategy focused on solutions and related services in the ICT industry. [more]

Market Insights

Top Ten Portfolio Keeping Pace With S&P/TSX

Our Top Ten Portfolio slipped slightly over the past two weeks by 0.5% while the S&P/TSX Composite Index rose 0.6%. We are increasingly nervous about a possible near-term correction even though the market has entered its strongest seasonality period. Investors should be alert for tax-loss selling situations, where increased selling for window-dressing purposes could result in sharply lower prices for “loser” stocks. This often provides an ideal entry point for astute buyers. [more]