Chart-of-the-Day-7- Featured Image

Gold: Is It On The Precipice?

After a break-out move that started in late-May/early-June, the price of gold has declined 4.2% since its early-September high. Now gold and its proxy ETFs are trading at critical technical levels. [more]

Company Reports

Project Generator Industry Report

eResearch has published a 70-page Industry Research Report on Project Generator companies in the Mining Industry. The report covers 32 Project Generator companies and provides four company overviews as well as three methods of company valuation for three different companies to illustrate how to value Project Generator companies – Cash Flow Analysis, Equity Portfolio Valuation, and Property Valuation. [more]

McClellan Chart-In-Focus

Inverted Yield Curve, Small-Caps, & Gold

eResearch is pleased to provide the latest McClellan Chart-In-Focus report from McClellan Financial Publications. Today’s article looks at the relationships between small-cap stocks, the price of gold, and the current inverted 10-year/3-month yield curve. [more]