Project Syndicate

The Race Between Economics and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing systemic shifts in the social fabric of world societies, none more so than in the world of economics, which is grappling with a sudden and sharp shift in society’s economic norms. [more]

Calafia Beach Pundit

Interest Rates and the Fed

Scott Grannis, the Calafia Beach Pundit, believes that the market is signalling to the Fed that interest rates should be lowered, and soon. [more]


Is The Coronavirus Out Of Control?

Despite the third day in a row of a decreasing number of new coronavirus cases, the virus could yet turn into an uncontrollable global pandemic. Bill Gates worries that the virus, if it reaches Africa, could wipe out ten million people. [more]

Calafia Beach Pundit

Key Market Indicators Updated

Scott Grannis, the Calafia Beach Pundit, says that although the stock market is high historically, there is still considerable skepticism and caution present. Thus, if the coronavirus and certain political disquiet were to fade, he says that there still seems to be substantial room for a further advance in equity prices. [more]