Calafia Beach Pundit

Net Worth and Risk Aversion

The net worth of U.S. households continues to increase while, at the same time, households’ leverage continues to decline. What this means is that U.S. households’ asset values are rising at the same time that risk aversion continues strong. This is a relatively healthy situation. [more]

Analyst Articles

Cannabis Deals Gone Bad

A big merger terminated, an IPO delayed and the first cannabis ETF down almost 60% in share price this past year, has the bloom fallen off the cannabis flower? [more]

Economic Insights

U.S. Recession Barometer: Reading Stuck At 9.0X

Most of the yield curve ratio combinations that we follow weakened this past week. However, the most important metric, the 10-year/2-year ratio, actually widened. We will continue to monitor closely U.S. interest rate developments and yield spreads. [more]

Analyst Articles

Google’s Quantum Computing – a Threat to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies?

Last week, NASA posted then quickly retracted a paper written by Google’s researchers outlining a claim that the tech company built the first quantum computer while citing the term “quantum supremacy”, which means the computing power has reached a point capable of carrying out calculations previously impossible or more specifically, too time exhaustive, to carry out. [more]