Seasonality Trends

Seasonality Trends: For March 2020

Market sell-offs, like the one we have just experienced, often provide exceptional stock-buying opportunities. In these circumstances, it is the prudent investor that takes advantage of the stock market’s traditional seasonality trends. [more]

Analyst Articles

Companies Struggling with Data Security

Companies facing data security problems: Siri and Google hacked, police use facial recognition software, SpaceX and Tesla’s manufacturer hacked, and FaceApp scrutinized for its data practices. [more]

Abra Plata

Invest Like Eric Sprott

Tapping the follow-the-leader strategy to find precious metal stocks. In the Mining industry, one of the largest investors of the past year was Eric Sprott. This report outlines 46 stocks that Mr. Sprott invested in during the past year and highlights another two companies, AbraPlata and Endurance Gold, that we think should be on your radar. [more]