Endurance Gold Corporation (“Endurance Gold” or “the Company”) is focused on the exploration and development of precious metals mineral properties in North America. Key properties include the Reliance Gold Project in B.C. and the Elephant Gold Project in Alaska. Endurance Gold also owns a significant shareholding in Inventus Mining (TSXV:IVS) and a 2% Net Smelter Royalty (“NSR”) on portions of the Rattlesnake Hills Project owned by GFG Resources (TSXV:GFG).
- Reliance Gold Property: The property was optioned in September 2019 and expanded to 1,122 hectares in July 2020. It is road-accessible, located near Gold Bridge, B.C., and the Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mining Camp, which historically produced over four million ounces of gold, is 10 kilometres (km) to the south.
- Large Gold System: Historic drilling, the summer program chip sampling & surface grab sampling results, and airborne survey illustrate the potential for a mineralized gold system over 2.5 km long and a vertical extent of at least 400 m, and is open along strike in both directions. Recent channel sample highlights include 5.89 grams per tonne (“g/t”) Au over 31.5 m and 6.29 g/t Au over 13.4 m (see October 26 news release).
- Proximity to Infrastructure: The project is road-accessible with a historical network of project roads that are in good condition and could support a modern exploration program with little to no upgrade work required. The town of Gold Bridge and powerlines are approximately 4 km from the site.
- Drilling: The property could be drilled year-round and initial drilling should focus on several already identified, near-surface mineralized zones.
- Historical work appears to be a missed opportunity by the prior operators. Surface outcrops & core were not adequately logged and sampled, and several drill collars were observed and appear to miss obvious targets.
- The Property will benefit from a more systematic method of exploration currently being employed by Endurance Gold. Historical efforts should not dissuade investors as the Company’s targets are different than the prior operators.
- Current strike length and width, as well as the known depth extent of the mineralization within the Royal Shear demonstrate credible potential to host a significant resource. Typically, shear zones with orogenic gold tend to host considerable consistency of gold grade over depth extent.
- Recent exploration by Endurance Gold has led to discoveries of several near-surface gold mineralized zones. Essentially, the Reliance Property provides investors with good investment potential at a favourable cost and exploration work can proceed on a year-round basis.
Now that the drill permit has been issued (see October 22 news release), a Reverse Circulation (“RC”) drill program of at least 10 holes is planned to mobilize this month.
You can download the full 18-page report by clicking here: eR-EDG-SVR-2020-11-06-FINAL
Eagle South Zone Outcrop, Summer 2020 Sampling Program