Initial Portfolio
The Portfolio was capitalized at $500,000 and consists of 10 equally-weighted stocks taken from a select list of 28 high dividend payers. The cut-off yield for selection to the Portfolio was 4%.
The 10 stocks that comprise the Portfolio at inception are shown below.

We have included 5 ETFs as comparables (which also are actively traded and, so, could have been included in the Portfolio) and the S&P/TSX Composite Index to serve as benchmarks for our Portfolio’s performance. These are as follows.

Portfolio Performance
The next table shows the Portfolio’s performance after the first month. The Current Value represents the stock price times the number of shares held and does not include dividends received. The Inherent Value does include dividend income.

Comprehensive Report
You can read our entire report, with additional commentary, by clicking here: Dividend-Income Portfolio – December 31, 2019