Calafia Beach Pundit

Weakest Recovery and Longest Expansion

In his latest article, the Calafia Beach Pundit notes that the U.S. economy has achieved its longest expansion period in its history. However, since 2009, economic growth has been modest at about 2% per annum. Although there are some troubling signs, many indicators point to a continuation of slow but steady growth ahead. [more]

Project Syndicate

No Art to the USA-China Trade Deal

The agreement, not yet signed, of a Phase One trade accord between the United States and China that was announced with the greatest of fanfare does not seem to be the great break-through intimated by both sides. This Project Syndicate article suggests a different reality to the one being promoted. [more]

Market Insights

Top Ten Portfolio Essentially Range-Bound For October

The Portfolio is struggling to gain traction. Its current value is about where it was at the beginning of October. Only five of the nine stocks are profitable although only one of the four losers is decidedly so. The present bevy of stocks is up only 1.2%, and it has been trading profits that have served the Portfolio so well to date. [more]

Market Insights

Commodities Are Radically Undervalued

Commodities have been in a funk for years: crude oil, natural gas, gold, silver, copper, zinc, etc., take your pick. At some point, investor sentiment towards commodities will change, which could provide very meaningful returns to those who recognize early the latent potential. [more]

Calafia Beach Pundit

Net Worth and Risk Aversion

The net worth of U.S. households continues to increase while, at the same time, households’ leverage continues to decline. What this means is that U.S. households’ asset values are rising at the same time that risk aversion continues strong. This is a relatively healthy situation. [more]

Hong Kong Streetscape
Project Syndicate

China’s Hong Kong Problem

The last Governor of Hong Kong, Christopher Patten, has written an article, dated September 30, 2019, for Project Syndicate discussing China’s ongoing problem with the Hong Kong protesters. He thinks that, if China’s leaders were more sophisticated, they would act differently. [more]

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Project Syndicate

The Global Economy’s Four Collision Courses

Acclaimed American economist lays out four scenarios that could lead to a global economic recession and/or a severe financial crisis: (i) U.S.-China trade dispute; (ii) U.S. confrontation with Iran; (iii) A no-deal Brexit; and (iv) Next month’s Argentinian presidential election. [more]

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Calafia Beach Pundit

U.S. Living Standards Continue To Rise

There is always a lot of hype about how workers are losing out on wage gains. Right now, the workers of General Motors have been on strike since September 15, calling for higher wages which, in fact, have not risen very much over the past ten years or so. [more]