
The Annual PDAC 2023 Mining Convention

The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention is the “World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention” and a leading convention for people, governments, companies, and organizations connected to mineral exploration. PDAC 2023 will now be hosted in-person in Toronto from March 5 to 8, 2023. [more]

Analyst Articles

NEW INITIATION REPORT – Search Minerals – Critical Rare Earth Elements Exploration Company on a Path to Production to Capture NA Rare Earth Market

We have written a 72-page Initiation Report on Search Minerals, a mineral exploration and development company exploring and developing a Rare Earth Elements (REE) project in southeast Labrador and a REE Processing Plant in Newfoundland, Canada. The Company owns two advanced REE resources, Deep Fox and Foxtrot, along with regional prospects. As it “Sprints to Production”, the Company released an updated PEA report for the Deep Fox/Foxtrot project and is now working towards the start of a Feasibility Study with mining production targeted for C2025. [more]