McClellan Chart-In-Focus

Inverted Yield Curve, Small-Caps, & Gold

eResearch is pleased to provide the latest McClellan Chart-In-Focus report from McClellan Financial Publications. Today’s article looks at the relationships between small-cap stocks, the price of gold, and the current inverted 10-year/3-month yield curve. [more]

Top 10
Market Insights

Top-Ten Portfolio, As At August 21, 2019

eResearch is pleased to present its Top Ten Portfolio, a model portfolio of high-quality stocks listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Portfolio has struggled a bit lately. So has the market. [more]

Analyst Articles

RASI Report – For August 20, 2019

eResearch is pleased to provide the Ratio-Adjusted Summation Index, the RASI Report, courtesy of McClellan Publications. The current RASI reading is 280. A reading below the benchmark 500 level is Negative, implicating negative market expectations. [more]

Investing Daily billionaire moneybag
Economic Insights

Investing Daily: Recession-Resistant Moves To Make Now

eResearch is pleased to present today’s investment article courtesy of Investing Daily. Today’s report focuses on the possibility of an economic recession occurring in the USA and what investors should consider for their portfolios in preparing for one. [more]

Technical Pundits

Weekly Technical Video

eResearch is pleased to provide the weekly technical market video from Charts are explained for world market indexes, several market sectors, key commodities, and global currencies. [more]