Dividend-Income Portfolio Continues Strong Performance

Portfolio Up 7.7% Since December 1 Inception

eResearch | The Dividend-Income Portfolio has gained 7.7% since Inception on December 1 last year. It has out-performed all but one of its comparables to date. Half of the stocks in the portfolio have risen above their initial two Price Targets, so it time to review and re-evaluate these situations.

The Portfolio

The 10 stocks that comprise the Dividend-Income Portfolio are shown below. There have been no changes since Inception on December 1 last year. Quite a few of the stocks have exceeded both of their Target Prices.

Source: eResearch


We have included 5 ETFs as comparables and the S&P/TSX Composite Index to serve as benchmarks for the portfolio’s performance. The following graphic depicts how well the portfolio has done to date, and compared to the “Comps”.

Source: eResearch

Comprehensive Report

You can read our entire report here: Dividend Portfolio_January 24, 2020


About Bob Weir 329 Articles
Bob Weir has over 50 years of investment research and analytical experience in both the equity and fixed-income sectors, and in the commercial real estate industry. He joined eResearch in 2004 and was its President, CEO, and Managing Director, Research Services until December 2018. Prior to joining eResearch, Bob was at Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS).