eResearch | The Top Ten Portfolio contains five stocks that are directly or indirectly related to the Canadian Energy Sector. Despite the horrendous week for the Energy Sector, the Top Ten Portfolio still managed to eke out a modest 0.3% gain. We added ChemTrade Logistics Income Fund to the portfolio on January 23.
Current Portfolio

Portfolio Performance
The following table shows the performance of the Top Ten Portfolio since its Inception on January 1, 2019. We include the basic Top Ten Portfolio and then provide the performance including dividends received to date. We show the same metrics for the S&P/TSX Composite Index.
The basic Top Ten Portfolio is up 7.9% compared to a lofty 22.6% for the Index. However, after adding in Dividends Received, the Top Ten Portfolio is ahead by 22.1% while the Index is slightly better at 25.9%.

Graphical Comparison

Comprehensive Report
You can read our comprehensive report here: TopTen_January 24, 2020