Dividend Portfolio

Dividend-Income Portfolio Performs Strongly

Our Dividend-Income Portfolio continues to perform well. Since our last report at year-end, the Portfolio rose 2.6% compared to the gain of 1.3% for the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Since inception at the beginning of December, the Portfolio is ahead by 6.1% while the Composite Index is up only 1.4%. [more]

Top10 - Fireworks
Market Insights

Top Ten Portfolio Ends Year With A Gain Of 21.0%

Our Top Ten Portfolio’s gain by the end of 2019 was just narrowly back of the benchmark S&P/TSX Composite Index’s 22.2% gain. Despite this relatively good performance, we intend to overhaul the Portfolio for 2020. We started with $500,000 total capital at the beginning of 2019 and we will be including last year`s total profits to begin 2020 with total capital of $605,204. [more]

Oil & Gas

Striking for the Climate

Greta Thunberg and her fellow climate-change activists vow to do whatever they can at the up-coming United Nations climate-change conference to get world leaders to act quickly and decisively to tackle the world’s growing climate-change problem. [more]

Market Insights

Top Ten Portfolio Keeping Pace With S&P/TSX

Our Top Ten Portfolio slipped slightly over the past two weeks by 0.5% while the S&P/TSX Composite Index rose 0.6%. We are increasingly nervous about a possible near-term correction even though the market has entered its strongest seasonality period. Investors should be alert for tax-loss selling situations, where increased selling for window-dressing purposes could result in sharply lower prices for “loser” stocks. This often provides an ideal entry point for astute buyers. [more]


Top Ten Portfolio Back Above $600,000

Our Top Ten Portfolio performed well of late and regained the $600,000 level. Including dividends and trading profits, the Portfolio is up 20.4% YTD and exactly matches this year’s gain by the S&P/TSX Composite Index. We think that we should be able to do better than the general index. [more]