Atlanic Gold Industry Report
Analyst Articles

Atlantic Gold Industry Report – The Ultimate Guide to Gold Mining Companies in the Appalachian Gold Belt

The Atlantic region of North America has been explored and mined gold for more than 230 years. The region shares a common geological heritage from South Carolina to the island of Newfoundland and has a variety of mineral resources including gold, copper, iron ore, and zinc. This report focuses on 42-publicly listed gold exploration and mining companies in the region and highlights three companies: Aston Bay, Sokoman Minerals, and Magna Terra Minerals. [more]

Analyst Articles

Fidelity Minerals – Peru Focused Project Generator with a Portfolio of Gold & Copper Projects

Fidelity Minerals is a junior exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of resource properties with a focus on Peru. The 3 main, short-term, corporate goals include: (1) develop existing gold & copper projects; (2) expand project portfolio with accretive acquisitions; and, (3) define at least 1 million-ounce gold resource within 3 years. [more]