Seasonality Trends

Seasonality Trends For October 2019

The summer doldrums are coming to an end and the market is looking forward to its annual period of positivity that runs from October through to May-June. However, October is traditionally a volatile month for stocks. So, resolving several geopolitical tensions would do wonders for getting the market “back on wheels”. [more]

Analyst Articles

Google’s Quantum Computing – a Threat to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies?

Last week, NASA posted then quickly retracted a paper written by Google’s researchers outlining a claim that the tech company built the first quantum computer while citing the term “quantum supremacy”, which means the computing power has reached a point capable of carrying out calculations previously impossible or more specifically, too time exhaustive, to carry out. [more]

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Gold: Is It On The Precipice?

After a break-out move that started in late-May/early-June, the price of gold has declined 4.2% since its early-September high. Now gold and its proxy ETFs are trading at critical technical levels. [more]

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Project Syndicate

The Global Economy’s Four Collision Courses

Acclaimed American economist lays out four scenarios that could lead to a global economic recession and/or a severe financial crisis: (i) U.S.-China trade dispute; (ii) U.S. confrontation with Iran; (iii) A no-deal Brexit; and (iv) Next month’s Argentinian presidential election. [more]

Company Reports

Project Generator Industry Report

eResearch has published a 70-page Industry Research Report on Project Generator companies in the Mining Industry. The report covers 32 Project Generator companies and provides four company overviews as well as three methods of company valuation for three different companies to illustrate how to value Project Generator companies – Cash Flow Analysis, Equity Portfolio Valuation, and Property Valuation. [more]


S&P 500 Index Marking Time

The S&P 500 Index has recently backed off its all-time high of 3,027 and fallen below the psychologically important 3,000 level. Critical support levels are at 2,950 and 2,875. [more]