Analyst Articles

Cannabis Deals Gone Bad

A big merger terminated, an IPO delayed and the first cannabis ETF down almost 60% in share price this past year, has the bloom fallen off the cannabis flower? [more]

Hong Kong Streetscape
Project Syndicate

China’s Hong Kong Problem

The last Governor of Hong Kong, Christopher Patten, has written an article, dated September 30, 2019, for Project Syndicate discussing China’s ongoing problem with the Hong Kong protesters. He thinks that, if China’s leaders were more sophisticated, they would act differently. [more]

Economic Insights

U.S. Recession Barometer: Reading Stuck At 9.0X

Most of the yield curve ratio combinations that we follow weakened this past week. However, the most important metric, the 10-year/2-year ratio, actually widened. We will continue to monitor closely U.S. interest rate developments and yield spreads. [more]