Analyst Articles

RASI: Index Pushes Through Two Key Resistance Levels

With significant bullish undertones, the RASI has climbed back above two critical resistance levels. In this past week, the Index rose above both the extended down-trend line and the benchmark 500 level. If the Index can maintain itself above these levels, then its next test is at 800. [more]

Economic Insights

Recession Barometer – U.S. Reading Continues To Fall

Canadian interest rates rose sharply last week while U.S. rates stayed fairly constant. Spreads in both countries widened, moving away from Inversion. This lessens the possibility of an Economic Recession occurring in the USA. Canada is already on Recession Watch. [more]

Calafia Beach Pundit

Net Worth and Risk Aversion

The net worth of U.S. households continues to increase while, at the same time, households’ leverage continues to decline. What this means is that U.S. households’ asset values are rising at the same time that risk aversion continues strong. This is a relatively healthy situation. [more]

Analyst Articles

RASI: Market Outlook Still Negative; Trend Flattens

The RASI has shown some strength in the last few days. It has stopped its downward trend, at least for now, and is set to try and rally above two critical resistance levels given by the current down-trend line at about 490 and the critical 500 level that measures positive or negative market expectations. [more]