2019-09-26 RASI-banner
Analyst Articles

RASI: Market Outlook Still Positive; Up-Trend Stalled

The RASI Index has shown good momentum since the end of August, but it has now stalled and could be “rolling over”. The DJIA shows the same trend. A new catalyst may be required to get both Indexes moving higher again. Progress on the USA-China trade talks could be that catalyst. [more]

2019-09-24 Calafia-banner-whiteborder3
Calafia Beach Pundit

U.S. Living Standards Continue To Rise

There is always a lot of hype about how workers are losing out on wage gains. Right now, the workers of General Motors have been on strike since September 15, calling for higher wages which, in fact, have not risen very much over the past ten years or so. [more]

Analyst Articles

RASI: Market Outlook Positive; Trend Positive

The RASI at the close on Wednesday, September 18 is at 765 and the Index continues to rally increasingly above the critical 500 level, which denotes the dividing line between Positive and Negative market expectation. [more]